Is Your 2-Year-Old Showing Possible Signs of Hearing Loss?
Child Hearing Loss
One of our friends at the clinic related a hearing loss anecdote. Their cousins were worried about getting hearing aids for Tyler, their six-year-old son. It was their first time to shop for hearing aids and they didn't have a clue.
What To Look for When Testing Your Kid or Teen for Auditory Processing Disorder
Child Hearing Loss
Testing your child or teenager for Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)? You have a few clues to look out for. These APD signs and symptoms can vary. It can be as logical as their response to your spoken instructions. It can be their frequent…
What Parents Like You Need to Know About Auditory Processing Disorder Testing
Child Hearing Loss
Do you suspect that your child may have an auditory processing disorder (APD)? You will need to bring your child in for an assessment. A professional audiologist will conduct the APD test.
Sounds painful and worried for your kid's…
How Can I Give My Child a Hearing Test at Home?
Child Hearing Loss
If you suspect that your child may have a hearing loss, seek professional audiological services for a comprehensive hearing assessment. However, getting your appointment might take a few days. The good news is, there are tests that you can…
How Do I Know If My Child May Need a Hearing Aid?
Child Hearing Loss, Children's Hearing Aids
What Do I Do if I Think My Child Has Hearing Loss?
If you suspect that your child may have hearing loss, it is important to take action to address the issue. Hearing loss can have a significant impact on their development and ability to…
Are You Concerned About Your Child’s Hearing?
Child Hearing Loss
Are You Concerned About Your Child’s Hearing?
If you are, you’re not alone. You are not the only one who is concerned about their child’s hearing. The health and well-being of our kids are a priority, which includes looking out for…
What Type Of Hearing Aid Is Best For Children?
Child Hearing Loss, Children's Hearing Aids, Common Questions - Pediatric
For those that have children who need a hearing-aid, it can be difficult to decide which type is best. There are three common types of hearing-aids: behind the ear (BTE), in the ear (ITE), and in the canal (ITC). All have their own unique set…
Behavior In Children With Hearing Loss
Child Hearing Loss, Common Questions - Pediatric, Hearing Loss
There is a lot of behavior research on children with hearing loss. Much of this research has shown that children with hearing loss are more likely to exhibit behavior problems than their peers without hearing loss. Below are some of the most…
Kids and Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
Child Hearing Loss
Have you ever sung a song lyric at the top of your lungs only to be informed by your friend that you're singing it wrong? You wouldn't believe how many people think Elvis Presley's "Suspicious Minds" starts with "We're caught in a trout."…
What to Expect During a Newborn Hearing Screening
Child Hearing Loss
You've made plans to bring your newborn home for the first time. The crib and changing table are all set up. Your drawer is full of diapers and supplies. Your family is anxiously awaiting the new arrival. But before you take…