Pediatric Hearing Aids Made to Fit as They Grow
Children come in all shapes and sizes, so do our hearing aids.
Children come in all shapes and sizes, so do our hearing aids.
Identification and treatment of pediatric hearing loss can be an emotional journey. Professional Audiological Services empowers parents throughout the entire process. We use a combination of professional knowledge and compassionate guidance. We offer the best pediatric hearing aids in the industry. Our audiologists will design and implement a treatment plan specific to your child. We work collaboratively with area pediatricians, otolaryngologists (ENT) physicians, early interventionists, speech-language pathologists, and the local school systems. Our providers will make sure that your child will get the care they need to maximize their hearing and language outcomes.
We start with a thorough case history. We test to identify the degree and type of hearing loss. Comfortable, spacious, and brightly colored rooms will help you and your child feel at ease. Our experienced audiologists have worked with children for many years and our sound suites are specifically designed with children in mind. After testing is completed, the audiologist will explain the results as well as appropriate options for treatment, therapies, intervention, and classroom accommodations.
Takes about an hour to do the test, plus 30 minutes to review results and options
During this appointment, our doctors will help determine which hearing aid model is appropriate based on age, degree of impairment, and lifestyle. Earmold impressions are safely obtained by our providers at this appointment for the purposes of attaching your child’s earmold to their hearing aid.
Return for a hearing aid fitting and training on your child’s equipment
Would a hearing aid help my child?
Yes, a hearing aid can assist an infant or child showing signs of mild hearing loss. Your audiologist will determine if this is the most appropriate course of action after testing is performed. Hearing aids can assist your child in hearing quiet and distant sounds/conversations. Once children are able to pick up sounds and conversations more clearly, you will most likely notice an improvement in their speech and language skills
How will I communicate with my child?
Communicating effectively with your child is dependent on both the type of hearing loss and your family’s preference. There are several ways you can communicate with your child. The types of communication include:
How will hearing loss affect my child’s speech and language development?
Hearing is critical to the development of language, speech, communication, and learning. However the earlier the hearing loss is identified and intervention begins, the less your child’s language and communication skills will be affected.
What could have caused my child’s hearing loss?
Statistics show half of all hearing loss in children is due to genetic (hereditary) factors. Other factors, including illness or loud noises, account for nearly 25% of hearing loss causes in children. However, keep in mind nearly 25% of reported hearing loss sources are never identified.
How likely is it that this will happen to my other children?
If testing does conclude the hearing loss is genetic, specialists can determine the probability your other children will also experience hearing loss. If both parents carry an autosomal recessive gene, then the likelihood that this will happen in another child is 1 in 4 (25%). However, if even one parent carries a autosomal dominant gene, then the likelihood that this will happen in another child is 1 in 2 (50%). Normally the adult carrying the autosomal dominant gene will also suffer some degree of hearing loss.
Why did this happen to my child?
Hearing loss in children could be linked to several factors, both genetic and non-genetic. In fact, hearing science experts estimate 1 in every 300 babies is born with some degree of hearing loss. Various tests will be performed to determine of your child’s hearing loss.
Why is my child being referred for genetic testing?
This is essentially part of the hearing loss testing process. Genetic testing is performed to determine whether your child’s hearing loss is due to non-genetic or genetic-related causes. This helps determine if your other children could be afflicted with hearing loss as well. The full genetic evaluation will also determine if there are other health conditions that need to be addressed.
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