hand to ear

The Facts on Hearing Loss and Dementia

Have you ever wondered if there is a link between hearing loss and dementia? If so, you are not the only one to wonder about possible connections. One study published in 2011 detailed an experiment conducted by researchers from several institutions,…
Girl Listening

Signs of Hearing Loss Teachers and Parents Should Be Aware Of

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Signs of hearing loss vary from child to child, and sometimes parents and teachers can rely only on their instincts. If you ever suspect that a child has hearing loss, take him or her to get a hearing screening as soon as possible. However,…
Hearing Aid Maintenance & Care Tips

Hearing Aid Maintenance & Care Tips

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Have you recently been fitted for a hearing aid by your audiologist or hearing instrument specialist? Wonderful! You’re taking important steps to improve upon your hearing situation and return to your previous lifestyle. This new journey will…
child with hearing aid

Choosing the Right Hearing Aid: Is Yours Right for You?

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It can be hard choosing the right hearing aid. How can you be sure that the one you pick is truly the right one for you? For many, choosing the right hearing aid is a rather complex process, because there are many important things to consider.…