Can the Ringing in the Ears, Also Called Tinnitus, Be Cured?


Are you hearing a constant ringing in your ears? That could be the sound of tinnitus. Tinnitus is a hearing condition characterized by the perception of sounds in the ears or head without any external sound source. 

While the exact cause of tinnitus is often difficult to determine, it is associated with various underlying factors. That said, it is important to remember that tinnitus is a condition rather than a disease. Tinnitus can be caused by various underlying factors. It can vary in severity from one person to the other. 

Currently, tinnitus has no known cure. In fact, the American Tinnitus Association, a non-profit organization that promotes tinnitus relief, is still investigating treatments for tinnitus.  

But there are many tinnitus treatment options available to help a person suffering from it manage their symptoms. Does this mean that you’ll have to live with this condition for the rest of your life? The answer is a complex one. But the more you learn about it, the better your chances of finding the right therapy or treatment for tinnitus.

What Are The Causes and Symptoms of Tinnitus?

There is no single cause of tinnitus. Some causes may be external or environmental. That is, the place you work may be loud. Other causes may be because of health disorders. These causes of tinnitus may include but are not limited to:

1. Age-related hearing loss. As people age, the cells in their inner ears may become damaged or weakened. This can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus.

2. Exposure to noisy environments and loud noises. Repeated or prolonged exposure to loud noises that are above 70 decibels can damage the sensitive organs and cells in your inner ear. Environments like concerts, construction sites, or places that play loud music. Working or staying in these places for prolonged periods without any ear protection can cause tinnitus.

3. Earwax blockage. One of the ways that tinnitus is caused is by excessive earwax. This can accumulate in the ear canal. If not cleaned and removed this blockage can lead to tinnitus and hearing loss.

4. Ear and sinus infections. These are insidious because they can affect anyone at any age. The inadvertent effect of tinnitus is often overlooked because of the infection. Sinus and ear infections can cause tinnitus because they create inflammation. These inflammations then block normal airflow and drainage, causing blockage and damage in the inner ear.

5. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. Tinnitus is caused by TMJ. At first, it may seem like a different problem but TMJ can adversely affect your hearing. Buzzing in your ears is just the start. Jaw injury or connective tissue disorders cause TMJ. This, in turn, can contribute to tinnitus. The TMJ is located close to the ears, and any issues in this area can affect auditory function.

You also need to note that there are other, less direct causes of your tinnitus. High blood pressure and head or neck injuries are known to contribute to tinnitus. Medical conditions like Meniere’s disease, acoustic neuroma, and otosclerosis, can cause tinnitus, too. Tinnitus can be a side effect of certain medications as well, so always ask your doctor if the medications prescribed to you may have this effect.  

When you suspect you may have tinnitus, check for the following symptoms. Please note that these are the more common ones. Other symptoms may vary from person to person.

1. Ringing: One of the most common tinnitus symptoms is a ringing sound in the ears. This is the most common sound you’ll hear. Some people may describe it as a loud noise like buzzing, hissing, whistling, or even roaring. Tinnitus for some people may even come in the form of clicking and can be persistent or periodic.

2. Sensitivity to sound: Some people will experience a heightened sensitivity to certain sounds. This is known as hyperacusis. This means that the sound in your ears can be suddenly loud and painful and people with tinnitus are often caught off guard by it.

3. Sleep disturbances: Tinnitus can cause difficulty falling or staying asleep. This can lead to fatigue and daytime sleepiness.

4. Anxiety and depression: The constant presence of tinnitus can cause distress. People experience tinnitus differently, but they know how stressful it can be. Especially chronic tinnitus which can cause emotional torment, anxiety, and depression in many individuals.

5. Hearing loss: In some cases, tinnitus includes or is accompanied by mild to severe hearing loss.

When you start experiencing these tinnitus symptoms, consult professional audiological services. They can help determine the underlying cause of your persistent tinnitus. They will also help you explore potential treatment options to help reduce tinnitus.

Tinnitus Treatment Options and Therapies

The treatment options and therapies for tinnitus may vary. Below are some common therapy and treatment options. Most professional audiological services would recommend these to you. However, please make an appointment so you can receive the treatment that’s appropriate for your needs and help make your tinnitus symptoms lessen. Whether it’s getting using therapeutic options or medical treatments. 

Therapy can help people with tinnitus not only cope with their condition but live fuller lives. There are different types of therapy options available for you. Among the most common therapy options are:  

1. Tinnitus management and counseling: Understanding your condition is a good start to managing it. Then, you will be able to find and learn ways to manage its impact on your life. What’s more, counseling can help give you coping strategies to help reduce the impact of tinnitus on your day-to-day living.

2. Sound therapy: This type of therapy involves using external sounds to partially mask or partially cover up the tinnitus ringing in your ear. This is why it is also often called tinnitus masking. These sounds can vary: white noise is the most common, but nature sounds are starting to become more popular. These sounds are created by specialized assistive devices and hearing aids. There are also many free downloadable apps that you can download into your smartphone that generate natural sounds like rain or birdsong, among others, to soothe or mask your tinnitus. 

3. Tinnitus retraining therapy: This therapy focuses on retraining your brain’s response to tinnitus. It does this by using a combination of counseling and the use of sound as therapy. Tinnitus retraining aims to desensitize you to the perception of tinnitus over time.

4. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): This therapy helps by changing people’s mindsets about their tinnitus. It does this by teaching people with tinnitus by reframing negative thoughts and emotions associated with their condition. The goal here is to promote a more positive mindset and reduce distress, and relieve tinnitus symptoms.

5. Stress management techniques: Stress aggravates your tinnitus. Learning stress management techniques like relaxation exercises, meditation, or yoga can be beneficial.

6. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): TMS is a combination of therapy and medicine. It is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate specific areas of your brain. It has shown some promising results in reducing tinnitus symptoms.

7. Alternative therapies:  Alternative therapies are options like acupuncture, hypnosis, or herbal supplements. Some tinnitus sufferers are said to have found relief from tinnitus symptoms. But the effectiveness of these therapies is not yet scientifically proven.

Before you attempt any of these options, visit your audiologist.  There is no single therapy option that works for everyone. People with tinnitus respond differently to each tinnitus treatment. Set a time to discuss the most suitable options for your tinnitus treatment.

Besides these therapeutic options, you also have a choice from any of the tinnitus treatment methods below. 

1. Medical intervention: Only applicable with your audiologist’s recommendation. This is because a specific underlying condition may be causing your tinnitus. Earwax blockage, a vascular disorder, or a side effect of the medication can be the true cause of your tinnitus. If this is the case, treating or managing that condition may help reduce your tinnitus symptoms.

2. Medications: There is no specific medication approved solely for treating tinnitus. But there are medications that can help ease its effect on you. Medications like antidepressants or antianxiety drugs may be prescribed to manage associated tinnitus symptoms. But again, see your audiologist or a hearing care specialist first before you take anything. 

3. Hearing aids: In many cases, tinnitus symptoms include hearing loss. If your tinnitus is accompanied by hearing loss, you’ll assistive care. Using assistive devices like hearing aids can help amplify external sounds, reducing the perception of tinnitus.

To learn more about the treatment and therapy options available to you, visit your audiologist or professional audiological services. You may also get in touch with the American Tinnitus Association (ATA). ATA is a non-profit organization that promotes tinnitus relief. They also do research into cures for tinnitus, including investigating treatment options, including experimental therapies. They may have the resources for progressive tinnitus management that may be beneficial to you.

Can You Apply for Compensation Claims for Your Tinnitus? 

Yes, it is possible to apply for compensation claims for tinnitus. This is especially true if it is a result of workplace-related noise exposure.

But the process and eligibility criteria may vary. It will depend on your locality and state and the specific circumstances of your case. Consult with a lawyer or a legal expert who specializes in personal injury or workers’ compensation claims. Especially lawyers who have experience working cases of tinnitus, particularly workplace-related noise exposure. They can help you understand what the options and requirements are in your jurisdiction. 

To give you an idea, here are the general steps for applying for compensation claims for tinnitus:

1. Consult a medical professional: Consult professional audiological services. You need to get an official diagnosis and documentation of your tinnitus.

2. Report your condition to your employer: Let your employer know about your tinnitus. Tell them how it may be related to workplace noise exposure. Make sure to record these discussions and any later actions taken by your employer.

3. Collect evidence: You will need to gather evidence and information. This is important in supporting your claims. Gather medical reports, doctor’s notes, and audiograms. Don’t forget to include any other relevant documentation that proves your tinnitus is work-related.

4. Report your condition: Report your condition to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In cases where the employer failed to provide adequate protection against excessive noise, OSHA may be able to assist you with your claim.

5. Seek legal advice: Consult with an employment or personal injury lawyer. They are experienced in handling workplace compensation claims. They can guide you through the legal process and help determine the eligibility of your claim.

6. File a compensation claim: Discuss your compensation claims with your lawyer. Then, depending on the circumstances and applicable laws, they can assist you in filing a worker’s compensation claim or a lawsuit against your employer.

Please note that this is a generalized process. The specifics and criteria for eligibility for compensation claims will vary. Please seek out professional legal advice. That way, you will have a better understanding of the specific requirements and procedures relevant to your situation.

Is Tinnitus Considered a Disability? If Yes, Does It Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Yes, tinnitus can be considered a disability. But your eligibility will depend on several factors. Your disability benefits claim will bank on the severity and impact of your condition on your daily life and ability to work. 

Each state and region may have specific eligibility criteria that need to be met in order for you to qualify for disability benefits. Consult with professional audiological services. Then, ask for advice from the appropriate legal authority. That way you can get the right info and guidance for disability benefits for your tinnitus.

Detecting and Managing Tinnitus

Detecting tinnitus is easy because of its typical ringing or buzzing sound. And while this sound is distinctive, most people disregard it and downplay it as a temporary thing. That is until it becomes an overwhelming annoyance. 

That said, as soon as you hear that sound and suspect you are experiencing tinnitus act immediately. There are steps you can take to detect and prevent it:

1. Know the symptoms: Be aware of the common symptoms of tinnitus. As stated earlier, you will hear a ringing, buzzing, or hissing in the ears when no external sound is present. Please note that tinnitus may be constant or can occur intermittently.

2. Monitor your hearing: Regularly assess your hearing abilities. If you notice any changes or are experiencing ringing or buzzing, consult your audiologist. They can evaluate your hearing health and detect any signs of tinnitus.

3. Protect your ears from loud noises: Ear protection is the key. Use earplugs or earmuffs in noisy work environments. If you’re working on music, keep the volume of your headphones or the music at a safe level. Exposure to loud prolonged noises without hearing protection can damage your hearing and lead to tinnitus.  

4. Be cautious with medications: Some medications can cause or worsen tinnitus. Certain medications like antibiotics, antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and chemotherapy drugs. Always follow the prescribed dosage and consult your doctor if you experience any changes in your hearing.

5. Manage stress: Stress and anxiety can exacerbate your tinnitus. Find healthy ways to manage your stress. Engage in regular exercise. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation, and get enough sleep.

6. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help prevent tinnitus. Because poor health is one of the underlying conditions associated with tinnitus. Conditions including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes can increase the likelihood of you developing tinnitus. Eat a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly. Limit your alcohol consumption, avoid smoking, and maintain a healthy weight.

7. Minimize exposure to loud noise: Limit your exposure to loud environments whenever possible. If you attend concerts or loud events, stand at a safe distance from the speakers or wear earplugs to protect your ears.

8. Use sound therapy: Sound therapy can help mask or distract your brain from the tinnitus sound. This can include white noise machines, fan sounds, nature sounds, or specially designed apps.

9. Seek professional help: If your tinnitus is affecting your daily life, seek professional help. An audiologist or an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist can provide guidance on managing your tinnitus. They can recommend the appropriate treatment options or therapies.

Remember, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized advice on detecting and managing your tinnitus.